
Work for money, or money work for U !!!!!

I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Hello guyz. Long time no see. Have u ever noticed this poem before? It was written by Robert Forest, 'The Road Not Taken' in 1916. The poem is to be quite long but this particular verse that kept me thinking either what I'm doing right now, supposed to be the right choice or not. Well, we'll never know what is ahead of us, but one thing for sure, u must not regret every act you've taken.
This month marks the 6th month of me being in this beautiful country Japan. Besides the well-known technologies, Japan also attracts students from all around the world to work while studying here. I've seen my friends struggled 24-hours days and night, aiming the only thing that could fulfill their desire.......MONEY!!!!! But one thing remained as a problem, do money really going to solve everything????
Last week, I read a novel that keeps focusing on money and it's quite interesting after realizing there are so much thing in our life that depend on money. I love the parts when it stated that each human being has a weak and needy part of their soul that can be bought.
Human is controlled by emotions named fear and greed. First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy.......( e.g. cars, 10万shoes etc)hihihih
Then the pattern is set. Everyday go to work, teaching or kutip sampah or Nanny ,get up, go back to work again......our lives are then run forever by two of these emotions. Getting more money, and we'll end up by increasing our spending. Right???
We fail to think, we feel fear, go to work, hoping that money will soothe the fear,but it doesn't. That old fear haunts us, and we'll go back to work, hoping again that money will calm our fears, and again it doesn't. Fear has play us it's trap of working, earning money, working, hoping fear will go away. Money is in control of the emotion and hence our souls. We actually think that money can eliminate that fear of not having money, of being poor, but the fear even gets worse.
Plus we don't want to lose our car, beautiful dresses, the high life that money has bought us. Many are emotionally desperate and neurotic, although they look rich and have more money.
So what u guys think???Will a baito be the best solution to this fear over a long run???
Tepuk dada tanyalah Iman k..

Till next post...........


Me, a Nanny!!!!

Hari yg pling memenatkan dlm seminggu. Hari dimana ak kene バイト(kerja sambilan) di sebuah tempat asuhan kanak2. Tpi pada mulanya ak bukan kene jaga bdak2 pun, mcm wat tuisyen ajar bdak sekolah rendah English. Mcm ak nie power English lak..tulis blog pun dlm Bm lagi....hahhaha. Sbnarnya ak nak tulis dlm English tpi sbb cbuk sngat dan ak x nak pikir2 bnyak bab grammar nie..waktu ak free bnyak jer ak tulis dlm English k..dun be sad my fans. hehehehhehe
Then wat mase skng nie ak jadi Sensei ler konon-kononnye pada 4 org bdak jepun yg kiut sngat. Semua gurl lak tu..rase best sbb x penah ade adik gurl so tis is the opportunity for me to get know japanese kids better. Wlaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama, tpi rase mcm no problem jer ajar diorng. Mcm anak sendiri lak...( wah..wah ...wah ) . Yg lawaknye diorng sendiri x sedar ak nie org luar ( International student) . Mngkin sbb ak nyer japanese power giler kot..hahahahhaha
Ak seronok ajar diorng wlupun duit x beribu-ribu yen macm org yg kutip smpah tiap ari dpt, tpi ak bersyukur dpt mngenali diorng dan sedikit sbnyak release gak tension ak ngan kerenah diorng tiap minggu. Ak nyer matlamat nak ajar diorng mcm sistem kat Mlaysia sbb bukan nak kate la...thp English diorng nie kureng cket tpi bab lain power lak..hihihihihi
So skng nie dah masuk blan ke-2 ak ajar diorng. Tpi disebabkan rmai parents diorng minat ngan cara ak ngajar, sekali 5 org bdak lagi ditambhnye masuk kelas ak. Ari nie paling tension, ak dah x rase mcm jadi Sensei tpi jadi Nanny lak. Skali bdak2 tu main2 lak ngan ak. Tgh ak ngajar wat bising ler..nak main ler..nak tu ler nak nie ler...last2 ak dpt idea ak pun ckp ler..

'ok, muridku yg over semua, sapa yg wat perangai pling elok ari nie, sensei bagi hadiah surprise. Wat bising no present for u k!!!!' lantang jer sora ak yg slama nie asyik berlembut ngan diorng jer.

So smua trus diam smpai abis kelas..tpi mmng x tahan sungguh ak..Skng bru ak tau perasaan kawan ak , cik Aishah a.k.a cik conan yg kini bertugas sbgai guru tadika di kmpng halamanku. Penah juga ak g tlg die jaga bdak mase kat Mlysia dlu, x ler seganas bdak jepun nie lagi. Nsib baik ak nie penyabar..tpi ak kene pikirkan 作戦(plan) for next week nie..nak wat cmner pun dah x tau dah.. Segala tips yg diberikan oleh sahabat karibku Si Aishah Over tu pun x menjadi.. Jaga ko Aishah balik Mlysia nie..ntah ape2 tips hang kan!!!
Ape2 pun ,I'll try my best for next week and hope everything will go smoothly as I already planned. Sape2 yg ade real experience ngan bdak2 tu bgi ler tips sbb ak dah blur nak wat per..Ak nie mcm alat utk bermain more than a Teacher to them.. hahahha...anyway thats all for now, till next post k..dun miss me k!!!!

Dun forget TVXQ new debut MIROTIC!!! hahahahaha

My kids...from left Miyu, Kasumi, Shizuru dan Yumika..yg 5 lgi x der dlm gambar...


Syawal tiba lagi!!!

Di hari yang mulia ini ku pohon keampunan, hanya satu yang ku pinta Pulanglah termenung ku sendiri memendam rindu tidak menentu kasih suci murni yang kita bina.

For this special edition, I think I'm going to write it in Bahasa. Hari raye, so kena la ber-bahasa tpi sorry sbb x reti nak berpantun lak..hehhehe..untuk tahun nie raya di Jepun..dan paling bestnye beraya ngan sensei kat kelas..siap wat smyang jemaah sesama lagi..hiihihih...x macam rakan yg lain, kali nie beraya pun sorang jea memandangkan I'm the only muslim in my Univ. Sudah menjadi fitrah manusia, siapa yg x sedih berjauhan dngn keluarga tercinta. Pada waktu2 camnie la, ketupat ,rendang and all that stuffs dah x menjadi bende yg utama...perkara utama yg berlegar di otak kita nie just 1 thing be wit ur luv one....
Malam raye jer, dpt kita lihat pljar2 univ lain wat gathering etc. Rasa di hati nie mcm nak ponteng kelas nie supaya dpt berkumpul dan memeriahkan mlm raya ngan rakan2 yg lain. Tpi apakan daya, hadir ke kelas pun tnggngjawab juga. Bkan nye perkara main2 ponteng kelas nie. So x pe, kita berkorban demi tanah air tercinta. Pergi belajar walaupun di pagi raya dgn smngat kental mngingatkn org tersyng di Mlaysia.
Malam raye jea dah telefon famili, bertanyakn khabar ke x chat org di sane..tetapi bile sampai jea bab nak minta2 maaf nie lidah aku mcm terkelu jea.. x leh nak ckp ape2..kerana ak tahu sekali jer terkuar ayat2 bab nak pohon maaf nie..air mata aku akn autimaticlly jatuh berlinangan. Dngan sedaya upaya ak cuba mngelak dari mnyentuh bab tu dan bertanyakan tentng perkara gembira so diorang sentiasa gembira tanpa perlu ingatkan diri aku kat sini. Becoz the same thing happened swktu di airport ketika ak cuba memohon ampun ats segala silap laku aku, dgn sendiri nye airmataku mula mengalir. Mngkin sesetengah org anggap mcm cry baby, tpi dri dlu ak nie jarang menunjukkan kelemhan diriku kat depan my famili especially my beloved mom..segala kesusahan biar kita tnggung sendiri..Jwpn yg selalu ak bagi same jer..' Jgn risau la pasal zahir, yg penting semua ckp utk raya nie k, klu bir ngan ayie nak ap2 ke, gtau jer zahir k, klu ade mslah gtau k, zahir ok jer kat cnie, dun worry'...
Walaupun kdng2 melihat org lain gembira dgn perhatian yg diberi oleh keluarga, but I have to remember, I must be a good role model to my famili ...terutamanya adik lelaki ku yg masih bersekolah. Selalu gak ak nasihat kan die ' ayie, hidup nie tak leh bergantung kat orng sngat, susah payah kita sapa yg tau, kita 6 adik-beradik jea yg lebih tau. Tpi ayie jgn sdih, dlm keadaan macm mana pun, yg penting kita semua ada bersama, tu pun dah ckp. Wlupn x senng mcm org lain, at least smua bende kita usaha sendiri dgn rezeki yg Allah bagi k, slagi abng hidup abng x biarkan adik2 abng hidup ssah k,ingat tau....'. although it was nothing, for me tats the only words I could say to him.
Ak cukup bangga melihat ayie pada ari nie sikit pun x penah meminta ap2 kpdaku wlupun ak berstju mmbelikan dia sesuatu. Syawal tahun ini juga mengingatkan ak peristiwa di mana ayie,my youngest brother (who was 12) sanggup mengeluarkan duit simpanannya just to help me to pay for bills . Hari tu sepatutnya adlh hari di mana ak janji utk treat him to kfc. dia dah tunggu lama for me to treat him and tat was the time I got my biasiswa la. But the only thing he said was 'x pe, ayie byr cket, abng zahir pun bkan ade duit sngat, nak guna utk skola lgi kan?'..satu perkataan yg cukup utk mmbuatkn ak nmpk lemah di depannya. I was like so touched and stunned. x tau nak ckp ape dah. So from tat moment, ape2 yg berlaku in Japan, its going to be my problem, not theirs.
Tetapi kata org , perkara yg dipohon lebih baik dari ape yg diberi . Somehow kita kena phn maaf juga takut nnti x sempat lak. Tpi mulut rase berat jer tiap kali telefon ke rumah..I want to say I'm sorry..but I have to be the strong one..ak x snggup membiarkan adik2 aku melihat airmataku .....tats why I must be strong and stronger...utk hadapi cbran hidup nie..
kdng2 orng hanya menilai kita dri luaran lebih dri yg dalam, syawal thun nie cukup mngajar ak memndng hidup ini dari perspektif yg berlainan, ak berharap pada yg Maha Esa agar berikn ak kekuatan utk trus kuat dlm cbaran ini..dan semoga ak dpt berfikiran lebih matang dlm sbrang tindakan diriku kelak..sbb frankly speaking I'm not tat innocent as what people think I am. Kita jer yg tau mana buruk baik diri sendiri. Selagi ak rase diri ini lbih buruk dri luaran yg nmpak mcm baik jer nie, ak akn cuba perbaiki dgn akhlakku.. segala perbuatan baikku selama ini bukan nye my natural behaviour tpi adlh sebhgian dri usaha yg ak lakukan utk menebus sgala salah silap yg ak lakukan selama ini.. Mungkin rmi yg membenci diriku ini jika benar2 tahu betapa berdosanye diri ini.. Tpi biarlah perkara ini menjadi urusan diriku dgn yg Esa.
Bulan baik ini, ak mengambil kesempatan memohon maaf di atas segala salah dan silapku selama ini andai kata terkasar bahasa dan laku...semoga persahabatan kita kekal selamanye...InsyaAllah..